Screw drive test bench “ScrewMaster 10000”

Spindle drives - a lubrication challenge

With the new “ScrewMaster 10000” screw drive test bench, different threaded or ball screw drives can be tested under realistic conditions.

Lubrication poses a challenge for these systems. Due to the relatively large adjustment movements, the grease is conveyed to the edges and may then no longer be sufficiently available in the center of the spindle. This leads to insufficient lubrication and ultimately to failure. This is exactly what we are investigating in the FVA project 987-I and -II, which we are carrying out with our partners at Nuremberg Institute of Technology.

The test bench – like all those developed at KTM in recent years – is #Tribometry4.0-capable.
This means that extensive measurement technology and a camera system with AI-based image analysis help to understand tribological systems instead of just producing characteristic values.